Dear client, if you wish to report deposit or savings accounts, loans, trusts, derivatives, money market accounts, investment funds, credit cards, or any other service that was unsolicited and contracted or opened under your name and which you do not recognize, you may do so though this web portal.
In addition, if you wish to file a monetary claim that refers specifically to unrecognized charges, payments or transactions reflected on your Account Statement, it must be reported within a time period no greater that 90 calendar days through this web site.
1. When you initiate your claim report on the website, you will be given a folio number, it is important to keep this number for any follow up on the process.
2. If you made a claim through the web site and you do not receive a folio number related to such claim within the next 48 hours, please contact the Customer Service line at 5231 4500 in Mexico City and the Metropolitan Area and at 800 74 66639 anywhere in the Country, from Monday to Friday, between 9:00 and 18:00 hrs.
3. The maximum response time for monetary claims shall be 45 natural days.
If you wish to request the status of your claim you must call the Customer Service line at 5231 4500 in Mexico City or the Metropolitan Area at 800 74 66639 anywhere in the Country from Monday to Friday, between 9:00 and 18:00 hrs. and provide your folio number.